Looking to buy a home? Here are four tips from KOR Properties to help make the process as smooth as possible
Get Organized.
Start by meeting with a reputable lender. A great lender will help you prepare for the home buying process by reviewing your credit and helping you plan. Before you even find your dream home, the lender can give you an idea of interest rates, down payment requirements, available loan products, and what your mortgage payments would be at different price points. When you are ready, the lender will provide you with a prequalification letter to use as you search for your dream home. This will put you in a better position to make a serious offer when you do find the right house.
Hire A Professional.
While the Internet provides us all with unprecedented access to home listings and resources, the buying process requires a level of expertise that can't be provided by any website. Hiring an experienced agent to help you navigate the home search, understand market conditions, and manage the transaction just makes good business sense. The experienced agents at KOR Properties are here to not only help you find a great house, but also to make sure your real estate transaction is as smooth as possible.
Think Long Term.
First of all, you shouldn't buy unless you are sure you'll be staying in the home for at least a few years. Beyond that, we always recommend that you shop for a home with the future sale of that home in mind. Is the location attractive? Are there good schools in the area? Does the community offer ammenities? Is the layout functional and appealing? What is behind the house and will that change? Does the house need updating and will that be affordable? Start with the end in mind, and your choices will pay off in the long run.
Be Willing To Compromise.
If you have every watched House Hunters on HGTV then you know that there is always a compromise when shopping for a home. Maybe you want a pool, but it isn't available in your price range. You might have to choose a two story instead of a single story or decide between a two or three car garage. Our advice is to start with a wish list in order of importance. When you find that right house, the compromises you have to make won't feel like that big of a deal because your priorities will have been set from the beginning.